From the Hole – Special Edition!

logo_17bdeAs something of a leader in “The Hole” I am honored to present various awards each year. At the time of this publication I am pleased to annonce the Starfleet Marine Corps 2012 Awards for the 17th Brigade.

The following fine officers, enlisted, and Starfleet Marine Strike Groups will please step forward and accept your awards.


Brigade Achievement Award : Cadet Brianna Brock


Joint Service Ribbon:

Lieutenant Colonel Tim Kirchman

Captain Lee Montgomery

Fleet Captain Jennifer Sontag

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson


Community Service Ribbon:

Captain Lee Montgomery

Fleet Captain Jennifer Sontag

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson


Great Barrier Expedition Award Region 2/3 Summit and Muster in Louisiana:

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson


Embassy Duty Award Region 2/3 Summit and Muster in Louisiana:

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson

Great Barrier Expedition Award  IC 2012:

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson


Embassy Duty Award  IC 2012:

Commodore Christina Sievers

Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson


Cross of Valor: Lieutenant General Bran Stimpson

Sword of Valor: Brigadier Doug Davenport

Shield of Valor: Colonel Susan Cerame

Star of Valor: Chief Petty Officer Marsha Beighley

Legion of Valor: 888th MSG

Meritorious Unit Citation: 898th MSG


A hearty handshake and my sincerest contratulations go out to each of our award winners!

Now . . . get back on duty! 🙂

See you next month “From the Hole”.