Appointment of new Executive Officer


Attention to Orders,

Brigadier Douglas Davenport please step forward. On the power appointed to me as Commanding Officer, USS Tiburon, effective today 081814, you are hereby appointed to the position of Executive Officer USS Tiburon NCC-74220. Please report to your new office to begin your duties.

Doug brings over 20 years of Star Trek fandom experience to the office of the Executive Officer. I am sure that he will be able to step up to the challenge of being the XO of this fine group.


It is with a saddened heart that I must report that Admiral Gary Halverson has requested to be relieved of his duties as Executive Officer USS Tiburon. Gary has recently started a new business that is taking off. As his business is conducted mainly on weekends, he requested to step down as he felt someone with the time to dedicate to the USS Tiburon should be the Executive Officer.

Gary is not leaving the Tiburon at this time, he is just taking some time and playing as a regular Joe member, if anyone walking around in a 50lb Borg costume could be considered regular.

Gary and I have been friends for a long time and I very much appreciate the time and effort Gary has put forth on behalf of the USS Tiburon.  I am sure that with the plans on the table Gary will still be around for the all the fun events.  Thank you Gary of your efforts, I personally greatly appreciate what you have (and I hope) continue to do with the Tiburon.