Well folks, April was a busy month and May is a little quieter, this was intentional based on last minute days scheduled for getting ready for Denver Comic Con. Unfortunately, as it stands right now, the USS Tiburon will NOT be at Denver Comic Con for the 50th Anniversary of Star Trek. There has been some logistical changes at the Convention Center and with the Convention itself. Please stay tuned for more information about this as it becomes available.
Last month we had two new events that were fabulous;
The Yard Sale was a GREAT success, not only did we get rid of a lot of stuff, we raised a LOT of money for Tiburon operations. The sales started early Saturday morning, where every Ferengi would have been proud, and ran until Sunday afternoon where members even made a delivery to complete a sale! Way to go team and save those light bulbs!
Second was the Star Trek night at the MCA Denver. This was truly an exciting event! We loaded up the trailer and setup our playlist early Friday, then we hauled it all down and began setup. We ran a little late, but the action started late as well. Check out all the exciting pictures taken HERE on the USS Tiburon’s Facebook page.
This month we have a our Friday Night Social at the Highland Tavern, coming up later this week on Friday the 13th. The Highland Tavern is located just west of I25 off of 26th, on Navajo St. This is the Tiburon’s version of a meet and greet. So if you and some of your friends find yourselves quoting Trek, this is the event for you. If you are able to attend please check out the Facebook event HERE or email us at info@usstiburon.org
On Saturday the 21st is our monthly meeting at Aurora Fire Station #2 in the community room on the west side of the building. We will be going over our summer plans and you can learn about all the exciting events the Tiburon is looking at doing. The meeting starts at 1:30, and is open to anyone who wants to come and take part.
Lastly, for May is our second Outlaws game. It’s a night game starting at 6:30 PM at Sport’s Authority Field. As in the past, tickets are FREE to members first then invited guests. If you are a member of the Tiburon and want to come out for this exciting sport, just drop us a line at info@usstiburon.org and we will save you some seats!
Well that is all from the Bridge for this month. Hope to see you at a Tiburon event soon!