As Jeffrey Sinclair once said to Michael Garibaldi on Babylon 5 “Hello old friend.”
Yes, the Tiburon is still here. Where here is exactly, I’m not entirely sure. As has been our lot this year real life has been keeping us from doing much. However, that is about to change. After getting our first aid and CPR certifications renewed last month this month (June) is going to be extremely busy. Here’s what’s on tap:
June 3 and 4 we’re doing double duty with the Shuttle Bay sale and repairs to our show piece the Borg Alcove – come on by and buy some stuff (all proceeds feed the Tiburon coffers and help us to offset our various expenses in order to keep from having to pass the hat)
June 9 is the Friday Night Social (tentatively scheduled for Annie’s on Colfax – check your email inbox next week, if you’re on the Chumline, for confirmation)
June 10 is opening day for the Colorado Renaissance Festival in Larkspur – the Skipper has noted that Buy One Get One coupons for this weekend are available at Subway
June 17 is the monthly general meeting – we’ll also be doing our final planning for Denver Comic Con (DCC) (again, those on the Chumline, keep your eyes on your inbox for the location)
JuneĀ 30 through July 2 we’re slated for DCC – stop by and see us – we’re always looking for an excuse to chat
Looking into July the Tiburon’s Anniversary Party will be held July 8 and the Friday Night Social will be on July 14. Locations for these events will be released once we get closer to those dates.
If you’re expecting to see me (The First Officer) my availability will be limited due to real life commitments to my job but I’ll try to show up where I can – generally when you least expect it.
Keep on Trekkin’!
The First Officer